
With his wife about a topic more

Since the early 1970s Chinese government began to vigorously carrying out family planning, after 1978 family planning become one of our basic state policy. September 25, 1980, the central committee of the communist party in China about control population growth released "to all the communist party and the communist youth league member of the open letter, calling on all the communist party and the communist youth league member executes every couple only the birth of a child. Shortly afterward, in the whole nation to implement the strict one-child policy. coach luggage wholesale

Undeniable, one-child policy since, our overrapid population problem effectively controlled, but as the first generation of only children grow up, because of family planning policy has led to problems and the aging population bonus problem more and more serious, so, someone called for two foetuses, freeing the fertility policy that allows each couple fertility two foetuses.

Based on this background, some people begin to consider whether the problem. A second child birth Of course, before this, officials mistresses, three milk illegitimate two tyres, three foetus, Volvo openly super living two foetuses, three foetus, the poor escape two foetuses, JiShengBan expertise triplets phenomenon also is to emerge in endlessly, HuangHong, the super living guerrillas BTV irony is the kind of violation of family planning policy of the poor. In the past people born after super to living because preach than male baby girl generation, ultra-left feudal ideology. Now, when the government on bearing the policy began to consider two foetuses, and people thought when the very big change has occurred, born not born has become the numerous young man's question.
Recently, some income is low in the network of young people published micro bo or posts, public comment would not birth "poor three generations, reason is" poor "second generation" children begin to lose at the starting line, destined to struggle in a tough environment, change the fate of hereditary poverty reputations. The more some white-collar also advocate would opt for a "dink", after two world, don't want to be children drag, also don't want let children living in stress social environment.
From family planning policy from children born to try to manage to active "sterilisation", do not bear the child, this cannot say social ideas, but a significant change, this kind of change is the implied a painful sorrow and helpless.
Can say most people, especially women, all is hope their birth child, also hope to have children RaoXi, enjoy happiness. Because he is the continuation of life, is their hope and future, the child can not only bring you happiness, can also get in your lonely child of comfort. Don't want to bear the child of Chinese in many people's eyes should be "alternative", is some does not accord with Chinese culture, but, now more are forced to become "alternative" people, they are not don't want children, but because of poverty, because the pressure of the life, because the responsibility of education offspring, let they dare not bear children.
"Poor dmc2, urban white-collar why no faith birth child? They would rather go stand accused of others "without the", also not willing to bear the child, lets the child lived a hard life than myself. It reflects the second generation ", "poor urban white-collar on social survival pressure worries, also is to improve life, expect equal call. coach luggage united states

