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"This is just beginning to do anyway really comfortable still behind." LiuSheng LiangZi hand touched the hand gently, Chen there took Chen pants chain. This is LiuSheng LiangZi intentionally she is to make Chen always remember their good so, Chen will remember after they often came to see their kingdom, wood. "This is just beginning?" Chen peace people, the woman much wood kingdom is well oneself just were they made fun. they also said that is just beginning to back the exciting part and the big seems to enjoy his side edge practise the shampoo of reactive power for a moment to lose to prepare.

"Yeah," LiuSheng LiangZi, talking and touched the Chen there and then she put the zipper, Chen go down slowly.

"Oh be careful not to pull my there." Chen LiuSheng LiangZi pull zipper feel as if it is going to pull their there so he's a bit of a worry. Now own there is no ordinary tough is usually all had the high and now is YiZhuQingTian.xtcxyd livedoor blog

LiuSheng LiangZi smiled did not speak. She now hand gently pressed to the Chen there but she didn't pressure very the zipper just pull to there is feeling and not be there strain.

And when LiuSheng pants down LiangZi also is so she is this way and that, Chen pants bit the friction of Chen let than just LiuSheng Chen think LiangZi touch oneself still perverse. This is the technology in the in the mind secretly said Chen o. No wonder the somebody else get excellent kung fu is really what was what.

"Well" LiuSheng LiangZi is also gently with a groan of the original pants, Chen has been she pulled down his the Lyon to hold out a bosom to LiuSheng LiangZi let LiuSheng LiangZi secretly not shout for joy.

The above zhen son also the coat, Chen off her coat thrown into the side of Chen and close to his chest. Especially in her chest to kiss him, Chen only sleep there itch a crisp excited.

Day ah zhen son kiss technology how so severe? Like just listen to LiuSheng LiangZi said zhen son also no man her this technology in the special school practice of how?

"Oh!" Chen shout loudly a LiuSheng original LiangZi has in his there close up. She'll suck for a moment to suck for a while with the tongue, Chen in order to transfer couldn't help but called. Well just really just just beginning now own was LiuSheng LiangZi kissed good wonderful!

Chen is want to continue to groan when the small mouth has close on zhen son of his mouth and with her small tongue in his mouth back. Now is the LiuSheng LiangZi and Chen zhen son and kissed him on the in the mind again a frenzy. You really is too happy the two gourmet women are their own organic will always come to after his wood, see their countries to do so.

"Well" zhen son began to also follow up everyone groans in her two Chen circle on the peak touch. Men are not to be touched by the zhen son was up slight trembling. She started to tell ourselves this is just a command himself can't digest to keep a level head. But when she and her Chen kiss felt head slowly a blank.

And now the hand of the Chen in their sensitive round and touch let yourself on peak by moaning. She thought can't find their loved one can not think of the ones you love unexpectedly is Chen. The bullying of man so she miss smelly very anxious to he dozen vent

But the fighting skill is higher than their Chen many let oneself can't succeed. In this kind of love and hate the thought LiuSheng LiangZi let zhen son she together GongFu such idea to let her by surprise. His identity how could miss and low with?

But now she considered the LiuSheng not with the identity of the LiangZi clanlord ordered her to her serve together, Chen. So now she also started effort serve Chen.

Suddenly LiuSheng LiangZi loosen the mouth "zhen son we said change." And she stood up to crouch down their zhen son adjusted the position of each other.

"Oh!" Chen gave a cry. Zhen son kissed with LiuSheng LiangZi different means and unique but style. Chen feel great crooked.
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"To morning comfortable?" LiuSheng LiangZi Chen asked, smiling. She saw Chen look know they do this very well.

"LiangZi zhen son I love you." Chen just say that finish his mouth was LiuSheng LiangZi kiss live.

After a long time LiuSheng LiangZi jog, Chen said "we go down to gently washed once!"

When the three of them, to the bath barrel LiuSheng LiangZi and zhen son immediately began to wash up the body to help Chen. LiuSheng LiangZi above first leg. Wash zhen son They have rubbed time let Chen eye-opening was light and soft but can help him to wash clean.

