
The self LV

Someone once asked: "in nature, who is the strength of biggest?" A DuoZhong varied.

Some say that the elephant, the trees because it can be uprooted; Some say the whales, it can turn a ship top ocean ship. And I would say, the biggest strength is the ant. An ant, can lift it weight is 13 times the things. The reason is simple: the other animals in how to surpass others, and the ant transcends, is yourself.xtcxyd livedoor blog

In fact we humans have been beyond. Between fellow life-and-death battle of the mall,, this is a kind of each other's go beyond; Between the classmate, one for the infighting, is also a kind of transcendence. Differences too much similarities, only one. That is what we are more than others.

The total set for youself a close goal, once the lucky beyond, began to self-complacent, not to advance. Little imagine there is mountain outside the mountain, until soon, and beyond your goal, to hastily and went after them. So repeatedly, vicious circle. Therefore, in our world, the success of failure is not much, but a few. Even if fail, also have comfort method: looking back those who still as my people, the in the mind will have unlimited meet. Probably this is what I've always not-mediocre yung, the cause of the ordinary it.

Until one day, I read the ant, the story of just suddenly discovered people alive should transcend their the true meaning of life. Recall more than 10 years of blind and mediocre, I do not regret, because I was young, and that's hope. As long as hope don't burst, I will hold his own in one at a time, and go all out to make hope moved into reality.

Let everything from the self begin! Only beyond the self, just know how to measure the value of others; Only beyond the self, just understand how to accept all outside.gosomn dtiblog blog

The past is history, we fit it into their bags, carefully and seriously say: "that's childhood." Today and tomorrow is really the way to go and we announced loudly: "this is flowering season!" Weak threw to childhood, mature to flowering, smile and past events cheers. And new, will be all from a brilliant the starting point--
Transcend myself!

